A TRANS Campus feat. Aachen University of Applied Sciences | Department of Architecture | Module On Design | Prof. Thomas Tünnemann
& Miriam Azzab • Pia Bienert • Jesse Dilworth • Silvana Hecklinger • Mark Kieckhefer • Thorsten Köllen • Kevin Osterkamp • Felix Reymann • Larissa Rohr • Sarah Schuhmann • Janna Steinhart • Hermann Stuzmann • Silke Wanders • Jan Waschinski
18. 2. – 12. 3. 2017
KM 13 showroom store
Kurmärkische Str. 13 in 10783 Berlin
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Friday, 17. 2. 2017 19:00
Isolde Nagel, A TRANS
Prof. Thomas Tünnemann (Introduction)
Finissage + Table Talk
Sunday, 13.2.2017 12:00 – 16:00 with excellent guests & food
Thu – Sat 12 :00 – 19 :00 and by appointment
The annual A trans theme „Neo City“ means an openness to new, visionary aspects of the city. What is the new, and how do we recognize something as new? Paradoxically, we also regard the neo as not new. In conjunction with ancillary concepts, the term neo refers to something that recurs, that is repeated or revived (i.e. Neo-Baroque). In this exhibition series, this antagonism will be interrogated, investigated, and redefined by the invited protagonists.
This year (as usual), Prof. Thomas Tünnemann is directing an architecture workshop in Formine / Lago Maggiore (Italy) with students from the Aachen University. Produced there will be neo-table centerpieces, stylistically striking ’set pieces‘ whose impact remains undiminished when they are transferred to other locations. These small sculptures, created using pre-existing simple materials, some brought along by the students, serve to decorate tables in ways familiar from the festive dining ceremonies of the aristocracy. They allude to the traces of past civilizations, and offer original interpretations of the display of greatness and grandeur. The architectonic element is effective down to the smallest detail.
The sheer diversity of the neo-centerpieces on display necessitates different types of tables; those intended for festive dining, for celebrating a welcome culture, for cheerful banter or philosophical discourse. Tables that find their counterparts in the marvelous rooms of the bel etage of the newly-established KM 13_showroom store.
For further informations