4.4. — 28.4.2019 | Open Hours permanently
Vitrine at U- Bahnhof Kleistpark, 10834 Berlin
Der Alte Mann | The Old Man
Artur D. from H.
In the GDR era a telegram messenger
Who traveled more than 40 000 kilometers
On a bicycle
Proletarian Poet
The oldest figure drawing model in Germany

Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 7 PM
Isolde Nagel, A TRANS
The artist is present.
Marcus Golter (*1966) is a trained stonemason and studied sculpture at the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule. Many of his works can be found in public spaces: fountain sculptures, building facades, and water-spouting statues. For over 20 years Marcus Golter restored and reinterpreted the arch reliefs of the Stadtgottesacker in Halle. He has won numerous art prizes. Marcus Golter lives and works in Potsdam.
For further information